Event Details

Technology Forum - “iAM Smart”: An Enabler to Better Serve Citizens and Businesses

The then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, the Hong Kong Productivity Council, the Cyberport and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation jointly organise a series of technology forums for industry players to share their innovative information technology (IT) solutions and success stories, and how such solutions can help enhance the quality of public services.

The 17th Technology Forum, themed on “'iAM Smart': An Enabler to Better Serve Citizens and Businesses” was held in hybrid mode - physically and online.  Expert speakers shared their insights and practical implementation experiences on fostering smart living with “iAM Smart”.  Moreover, participants networked with the expert speakers, exchanged ideas, and explored new paradigms of public service delivery.  Besides, “iAM Smart” mobile registration booth was set up at the physical forum for participants to perform “iAM Smart” registration on the spot.

Technology Forum - “iAM Smart”: An Enabler to Better Serve Citizens and Businesses

13 October 2023 (Friday)

(Registration / online platform starts at 14:00)

Venue: SME One Foyer, G/F, HKPC Building
(*Live-streaming will be arranged)

Language: Cantonese / Putonghua

Supplemented by presentation materials in Chinese or English

14:00 - 14:30

Registration and Networking

VIP Tour

14:30 - 14:35

Welcoming Remarks

Dr. Lawrence CHEUNG, Chief Executive Officer
Automotive Platforms and Application Systems (APAS) R&D Centre

14:35 - 14:40

Opening Address (Chinese version only)

Ir. Tony WONG, JP, Government Chief Information Officer
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer

14:40 - 14:45

Group Photos

14:45 - 15:25

Presentation by Expert Speaker

“iAM Smart” – The Cornerstone for the Smart City
Mr. Benny LEUNG, Chief Systems Manager (Digital Identity)
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer

Recording Recording 

15:25 - 16:15

Presentation of IT Solutions by Industry – “iAM Smart” – The Cornerstone for the Smart City


HARMONYCSS Introduction and Smart Travel Enablement

FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong Limited  

Empowering the Smart City: Streamline Document Processes via "iAM Smart"  

Recording Recording  Presentation Deck Presentation Deck 

Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM)

Provisioning Authorized Data for Access Control using "iAM Smart"

Recording Recording  Presentation Deck Presentation Deck 

Master Concept (Hong Kong) Limited

Secured Authentication and Approval in Cyberworld

Recording Recording  Presentation Deck Presentation Deck 

Nexusguard Consulting Limited

How can "iAM Smart" be used effectively against electronic fraud in various practical scenarios?

YLINK Information Technology (HK) Limited

What support can YLINK Testing service provide to "iAM Smart"?  

Presentation Deck Presentation Deck 

16:15 - 16:45


Guided Tour to Exhibition Booths (Physical)
Networking (Physical)

16:45 - 17:05

Presentation by Expert Speaker

Experience Sharing on Promotion of e-Submission of Student Grant Applications
Mrs. Alice LO, Senior Education Officer (Student Special Support)
Education Bureau

Recording Recording 

E-Submission of Student Grant Applications & "iAM Smart" Adoption in EDB
Mr. Vinci CHOU, Chief Systems Manager
Education Bureau

Recording Recording 

17:05 - 17:45

Presentation of IT Solutions by Industry  Unleashing the Potential of “iAM Smart” for Smarter Living

Cherrypicks Limited

Transforming Experiences: Innovating Public Sector Mobile Apps Through User Journey Design

Recording Recording  Presentation Deck Presentation Deck 

Fill Easy Limited

"iAM Smart+": Beyond Login and Form Filling

Recording Recording  Presentation Deck Presentation Deck 

MediConCen Limited

Revolutionizing Fintech: Exploring the Use Cases of "iAM Smart"

Recording Recording  Presentation Deck Presentation Deck 

NetSoft Limited

Unlocking Efficiency: Exploring the Synergy Between Virtual Waiting Rooms and "iAM Smart"

Nexify Limited

Enforcing identity authentication in e-submission process with "iAM Smart" 

Presentation Deck Presentation Deck 

17:45 - 18:00

Exhibition and Networking (Physical)