Country Park monitoring system
一般在郊野公園範圍內的網絡是有限的, 因為投資開發有線的網絡費用很高. 所以利用無線存取是其中一個最好的方法. 但是使用4G/5G網絡會產生月費, 並且4G/5G網絡覆蓋在郊外範圍也是有限的. 所以我們建議使用固定無線接入通信(FWA)服務. 因為速度快,可靠性高及安裝容易. 安裝這個系統後, 可有效監測在郊野公園內野生動物情況. 如發現危險及突發事件, 可馬上通知控制中心. 即時作出適當的處理.
Usually, the countryside is limited access to the network since providing wired services are too much investment, so wireless access is one of the best choices. However, it costs a monthly fee if using 4G/5G services, and the 4G/5G network is also limited coverage. Therefore, we suggest Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) as the fastest, reliable, and can install in a short time. After installing this system, it can effectively monitor the situation of wild animals in country parks. If dangers and emergencies are found, the control center can be notified immediately. Appropriate action can be made immediately.
City Management
Mobile Technologies
Predictive Analytics
在郊野公園外圍,安裝無線接入通信(FWA)監測系統. 大約在每二百米安裝一支監控柱. 柱上安裝相機.而且利用太陽能發電, 減少對電力要求. 當野生動物走近郊外公園外圍時,利用運動傳感器觸發相機拍照及傳送到控制中心及用電郵發出警報. 另外, 在系統上也可安裝蜂鳴器阻嚇動物靠近及利用藍色發光二極管(LED)使牠們受驚離遠. 當野生動物離開郊野公園範園後, 相關部門可作出即時的處理.
Install a Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) monitoring system on the periphery of the country park. Install a monitoring node approximately every two hundred meters. Cameras are installed on the nodes. Solar power is also used to reduce power requirements. When wild animals walk near the periphery of the country park, use motion sensors to trigger the camera to take pictures and send them to the control center and send out an alert by email. Also, buzzers can be installed on the system to frighten animals from approaching and turn on blue light-emitting diodes (LED) to scare them away. When wild animals leave the country park, relevant departments can take immediate action.
Rikei Corporation (HK) Ltd
Room 903A, 9/F, OfficePlus@Prince Edward 794-802 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
If any government department would like to conduct PoC trial or technology testing on the I&T solution, please contact Smart LAB.