Personalized Education System
Our solution utilizes data analytics, emotion recognition, eye-gaze tracking and NLP (Natural Language Processing) to provide personalized education system such as advising, talent scouting and many more.
Using our NLP technology, we can instantly scan through the errors in individual homework/exams, and automatically pinpoints the specific studying topic a student should focus more on.
Using our eye-gazing technology, when a student uses a tablet or laptop in answering questions, we can track the eye-movement to determine whether the student has read the question or are simply guessing. We can also calculate the downtime in reading and answering the question to analyze if the student has made careless mistakes such as not reading the question properly. Through this, we can benchmark ability on time spent in comparison to the accuracy.
With our data analytics technology, we are able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a student, such as students that are gifted in mathematics or language, and provide specific training to develop on that disciplinary. For special educational needs students, using eye-gazing technology can help us discover their hidden interests and talents, hence focusing on that area in their academics for a better future.
Dayta AI Limited
716C, Enterprise Place, 5 Science Park West Avenue, HKSTP
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