





ReportNOW is a mobile data interchange platform for all organization. As long as you have a mobile device on hand, you can stay connected with your business anytime anywhere. In addition, users can easily upload instant data unlimitedly to the ReportNOW server over the Internet. Through ReportNOW, either smart phones or tablets can easily link up with the company's existing database system and generate reports with real-time information or capture immediate data from the mobile devices. ReportNOW, in fact is designed for an easy to use with simple installation. It is the only interactive mobile solution in the market that is compatible with different database systems and provides variance formats for real-time reporting on multiple platforms (Android, iOS and Windows). Most importantly, there is no additional investment to acquire new hardware while enjoying these benefits.























Benefits of ReportNOW

(a) Getting close to your company information at all times

No matter where you are, whether you are in meetings, coffee shop, golf course, during commute or at any other occasions, the management can use their mobile devices to read the company’s real-time generated business reports. Therefore, they can always gain in-depth insights and up-to-date information to support every decision they make.

(b) Creating the reports in short period of time

Without the need of special training, you can create new report in just a few minutes. ReportNOW is very simple and straightforward to use. Our r-Designer will guide you through step-by-step to customize all kinds of reports for your mobile devices.

(c) Meeting various needs with great flexibility

ReportNOW can generate reports in PDF, Excel or other formats for the users to further utilise the content in order to meet various needs in any given situations. ReportNOW also comes with comprehensive management tools as well as development platform for advanced users to create richer and more informative reports on their mobiles.

(d) Uploading instant information anytime anywhere

r-Form comes along with ReportNOW for transforming your smart phone or tablet into a data-collecting device for the field service team to upload the up-to-date information to the company database anywhere. By eliminating the redundancy of data entry, it helps to improve efficiency and effectiveness in your daily operation.

(e) Building your form to catch up with new business

The data entry form needs to be updated from time to time in order to catch up with the business development. However, it is very costly to appoint a software engineer to modify the entry form when necessary. Now, r-FORM is your new option with excellent convenience and extremely low cost. r-FORM can link up with any database system and provides flexible solutions for users to quickly build forms and deploy to the mobile devices without any extra cost.

(f) Reporting your works with multi-media

If the field service team only uses text-based information to report their works, it usually causes lots of confusion and misinterpretation as the information is likely to be incomplete. r-FORM empowers the field service crew to leverage the multi-media facilities from the mobile device to capture photos, sound and location as well as to instantly upload the information to the business database. As a result, the management can perceive the full picture of all instances by analyzing the fruitful information.

(g) Reduce paper usage

ReportNOW is a Green ICT solution with the technology that can help you to create mobile business processes and a paperless office. All information is in electronic form where data can be easily captured, saved, reviewed, analysed, updated and shared. Enterprises can achieve a "less-paper" business process, or even go “paperless”.

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