Miovision's Portable Solution for Traffic Data Collection
Miovision works with public agencies, engineering firms and data collectors across the world. In North America, 70% of transportation departments are using Miovision because of safety, accuracy (95% or better accurate data), and efficiency. Miovision's unique solution helps agencies optimize and scale out their data collection operations. Our video based data collection unit, called Scout, is a best in class field device for data collectors. The Scout VCU bundle comes with everything needed to get started including LTE based Wi-FI probe for Travel Time data collection as well as remote monitoring and scheduling capabilities.
All new customers benefit from our rich resource of training videos and product information for a smooth on-boarding. To ensure your team is comfortable with the equipment and online tools, Miovision offers free customer support and deployment recommendations which is available for the life of the product.
Miovision provides the world's best end to solution for collecting Turning movement counts, road volume counts, bike and pedestrian counts, and roundabout counts. Traffic data collection setup is completed in 10-15 minutes by one technician (no need for ladders or bucket trucks). The Scout is non-intrusive and setup is done safely on the road side without requiring the technician to enter the
roadway. Data collection is scheduled on the unit and once completed, it is uploaded and processed by Miovision (using AI which provides 95% or better accurate data). Within days, traffic study reports are available on Miovision’s traffic data management Platform. They are available in various industry standard reports along with a video record of the count. This process is executed by one technician and can be completed in 20% less time than manual efforts. In turn, this creates direct cost savings.
519-513-2407 ext 234
137 Glasgow Street Suite 110, Kitchener, ON Canada N2G 4X8
若政府部門欲對創科方案進行PoC試驗或技術測試,請聯絡Smart LAB。