





隨著政府運作數字化的趨勢不斷增強,這導致不同辦公室用於支持其運作的 IT 設備數量增加。 及時跟踪庫存水平、設備狀態變得越來越困難。 透過一個有效的庫存管理系統來簡化管理 IT 資產的過程是確保我們的庫存井井有條且易於存取的關鍵。 這包括跟踪設備的位置和狀態、管理維護和維修任務以及確保設備得到有效利用。 低效的庫存管理給我們的運營帶來了許多挑戰,包括:

1.             耗時的手動流程
我們當前的庫存管理系統嚴重依賴手動流程,例如使用電子表格和紙本記錄,這些流程既耗時又容易出錯。 這導致我們的運營出現不必要的延誤和效率低下。

2.             缺乏實時可見性和控制
如果沒有一個用於管理 IT 資產的集中式系統,我們的運營可能對設備狀態的可見性有限,對維護和維修流程的控制也有限。

3.             庫存不準確
如果沒有有效的庫存管理系統,就很難知道我們手頭有多少庫存,這往往會導致 IT 設備庫存過多或庫存不足。

4.             合規和安全風險
如果不對 IT 資產進行適當的跟踪和管理,我們的運營可能會面臨違反合規性和安全漏洞的風險。




Asset Management


  1. Increased Efficiency
    With an inventory management system, we can reduce the amount of time and effort required to track inventory levels, handle equipment transaction, and manage maintenance processes. This will result in more efficient operations and a reduction in labor costs.

  2. Enhanced Reporting, Analysis and Decision-making
    With a comprehensive inventory management system, we can generate detailed reports and analytics to gain insights into our inventory performance, identify trends, and make informed decisions about resource allocation, equipment purchases, and other aspects of operations.

  3. Improved Equipment Availability
    By proactively identifying and addressing maintenance and repair needs, an inventory management system can help ensure that equipment is available and operational when it is needed. This can help reduce downtime and improve productivity.

  4. Increased Equipment Utilisation
    An inventory management system can help us identify underutilised equipment and make adjustments to increase utilisation. This can help reduce costs associated with equipment purchases and improve overall resource allocation.

  5. Enhanced Security and Compliance
    An inventory management system can help us ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and enhance security by tracking equipment inventory, identifying potential security risks, and ensuring that equipment is properly maintained and secured.

  6. Reduced Maintenance and Repair Costs
    By proactively identifying and addressing maintenance and repair needs, an inventory management system can help reduce costs associated with equipment downtime and repairs.

Overall, the expected outcome of the inventory management system project is to improve our inventory management processes, streamline our operations, improve decision-making, increase efficiency and reduced maintenance costs.



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