I&T Solution

Reference No.


Solution Name

Precise Facility Crowd Analysis

Solution Description

Through wireless transceivers receiving Wi-Fi signals from smartphones (no apps or connection is needed), and processing the data on Clouds, we provide a detailed analysis on the utilization of the facility, like crowd count and dwell time, crowd flow, and returning-visitor statistics. Facility operator and management can use the result for crowd management, manpower and resources allocation, predictive maintenance, and new facility design.

Application Areas

Recreation and Culture

Technologies Used

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Cloud Computing

Data Analytics

Internet of Things (IoT)

Use Case

By deploying the system to museums or exhibitions, from the crowd distribution and their dwell time, we can know the visitor interest for evaluation and future exhibition planning. For outdoor facilities, especially those in country park, utilization analysis can benefit the operator and management with predictive maintenance.

If any government department would like to conduct PoC trial or technology testing on the I&T solution, please contact Smart LAB.