PowerArena - Smart City Operations Platform
The smart city applications of the PowerArena covers:
- crowd management and analytics
- traffic analytics
- building facility monitoring and utilization
- accident detection for public safety
- illegal action detection for law enforcement
Solution Overview:
PowerArena enables timely collection, analysis and dissemination of city operations information in the physical environment by using mobile, IoT, AI and Big Data technologies.
There are 3 components of the PowerArena Platform:
1) PowerArena Sense: a AI deep learning powered video analytics system, to analyze the video streams from the cameras, for objection and action detections. IoT sensors and 3rd system data can also be integrated.
2) PowerArena Manage: a backend data streaming platform to connect PowerArena Sense, PowerArena Manage, PowerArena Act, for data processing, analytics and predictive modelling. A command dashboard is also available for administrators.
3) PowerArena Act, including:
- Mobile App: an internal app for field staff and operations team
- Data API for 3rd party Integration: PowerArena can also be integrated with other external systems (i.e. signage, mobile app, chatbot, etc.) via the API provided, in order to provide real-time information to the public.
City Management
Law and Security
Recreation and Culture
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Cloud Computing
Data Analytics
Deep Learning
Internet of Things (IoT)
Machine Learning
Mobile Technologies
Predictive Analytics
1. Automate the manual efforts on collecting information of the physical space (i.e. people counting, patrol for illegal actions and accidents, monitoring the building facility or pipes)
2. Data-driven decision making. The data analytics and prediction modelling can help the governments officials to leverage the use of data for planning and decision making.
3. Enhance the customer experience. The general public service level can be increased. For example: the real-time wait time for smart mobility, reduced wait time for lifts for smart building, accident and action detection for public safety.
Motherapp Limited
3590 8478
Unit 708-9 & 727-8, 7/F, Enterprise Place, Hong Kong Science Park, Hong Kong
If any government department would like to conduct PoC trial or technology testing on the I&T solution, please contact Smart LAB.