I&T Solution

Reference No.


Solution Name

Artificial Intelligence Security Surveillance Protection (AISSP)

Solution Description

Biometric solutions for verifying / identifying unique authorise person in entering the premises, company assets, network and others.

Avoid / Identify the "black-listed" person authenticate company assets instantly over the cloud.

With the 5G up coming, company can using this technology instantly all the world without delay.

Centralise data management and connect through secure 4G router (existing).

Application Areas


Commerce and Industry



Employment and Labour




Law and Security


Recreation and Culture


Technologies Used

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Cloud Computing

Internet of Things (IoT)

Mixed Reality

Mobile Technologies

Predictive Analytics

Use Case

Biometric identification is an unique solution for differentiate personal identity. Nowadays, lots of intruders are trying to hack in company premises, network or assets in order to harmfully or damage company normal operations, and reputations.

With the use of this solution (AISSP), company can easily identify the right or grant access right to existing staffs, visitors, contractors, and prevent intruder. Also, the AISSP solutions can use secure 4G router in communicating back to company's network, it is very easy to setup and convenience for practical usage. Shorten the deployment time frame as other competitors are using broadband services (not secure) for communication.

If any government department would like to conduct PoC trial or technology testing on the I&T solution, please contact Smart LAB.