I&T Solution

Reference No.


Solution Name

OceanX Cloud-based Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

Solution Description

Support Cloud-based and On-premise Implementation

OceanX ECM provides a complete Enterprise Content Management solution with powerful functions including Document Management System (DMS), WorkFlow, Office Add-in, Outlook Add-in, Email Management, Capture, Share, Drive and PDFX. It replaces your Insecure and Chaotic File servers and provide a secured platform for B/Ds to discuss, share, and collaborate on business-critical content. OceanX ECM is the information lifecycle process that begins with creation, management, publishing, archiving, and final disposition to meet your Security and Governance requirements.

• High Security – AES 256 encryption, document history, access control and audit trail

• Office Add-in – Tightly Integrates Microsoft Office, enables users to Open, Edit, Save or Create in OceanX ECM

• Version Control – Provides check-in / check-out / version control to protect "Single Version Of The Truth"

• Outlook Add-in – Email Management, Send & File. Users can also view and process files directly in Microsoft Outlook

• OceanX Share – Securely share documents

• OceanX Workflow – Document workflow approval process

• OceanX Capture – Scan documents, patented CapturePlus technology improves OCR accuracy to 99.99%

• Patented BuildingBlocks – Provide users with a personalized interface, increase user adoption rate

Application Areas

Commerce and Industry


Law and Security


Technologies Used

Cloud Computing

Mobile Technologies

Robotic Process Automation

Use Case

OceanX ECM is solution for organization to implement information governance policies, enhanced document security, ensure compliance, reduce cost of storage and to protect content information.

It is used to mitigate all risk associated with Enterprise Content such (Governance risk, legal risk). It is also to improve the efficiencies of company business operation. It can apply to the following corporate activities:

- Information Governance

- Law & Professional Service Department

- Human Resources Management

- Financial Management

- Case/Contract Management

- Smart City

1. Information Governance

- Centralized Repository; Encryption, Access Control and Audit Trail; Email Management; MS Office Integration; Indexing and Refiling (Filing to ECM is as simple as Filing in File System)

2. Law & Professional Service Department

- Matter Folders; Email Management; MS Office Integration; Access Control and Audit Trail; Indexing and Refiling

3. Human Resources Management

- Personnel file Creation; Personnel file Access and Moving; Personnel file Archiving; Personnel file Retention

4. Financial Management

- Invoice Scanning; Invoice Indexing; Payment Process; Invoice Archiving and Retention

5. Contract Management

- Contract Request; Contract Generation; Review and Amend; Renewal and Termination; Contract; Contract Approval

6. Case Management

- Case Folders create; Case status; Email Management; MS Office Integration; Access Control and Audit Trail

7. Smart City

- OceanX ECM makes use of innovation and technology to help government and enterprises achieve paperless office, save cost, improve effectiveness, efficiency and productivity

If any government department would like to conduct PoC trial or technology testing on the I&T solution, please contact Smart LAB.