I&T Solution

Reference No.


Solution Name


Solution Description

Earthy is a geo-intelligent smartphone application for advanced chat. Use your native language to speak every language with automated translation powered by A.I.!

We translate as you hit Send and cover over 100 languages.

The app has geo-intelligence so you can easily find locals and local businesses. Find yourself and friends by creating public and private chat-grid groups. Share grids with friends, family, and your business partners.

We're built for broad human connection.

Application Areas

City Management

Commerce and Industry



Employment and Labour





Law and Security


Recreation and Culture

Social Welfare


Technologies Used

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Cloud Computing

Deep Learning

Machine Learning

Mobile Technologies

Natural Language Processing

Use Case

There are many applications and use cases for Earthy, which increase information sharing, safety, and decreased cost to the government.

If a city employee is trying to communicate with a foreigner, they can communicate without sharing any language in common.

Earthy can be used in a modern international marketplace setting where sellers, vendors, clients and suppliers can coordinate more efficiently.

A team of city employees of diverse backgrounds can coordinate through their day in a complex city sharing information and locations.

If the city wants to hire immigrants or help integrate them into the culture of their city, Earthy is a valuable tool to track and communicate with them.

An airport is always filled with a huge variety of people from many destinations. Security at the airport has a straight-forward job to protect public safety, but they must navigate different passengers and travelers from every corner of the globe. With Earthy, they can speak 100+ languages as easily as they use their native language.

If any government department would like to conduct PoC trial or technology testing on the I&T solution, please contact Smart LAB.