I&T Solution

Reference No.


Solution Name

WCL Robotic Process Automation Solution

Solution Description

The WCL RPA solution is an automation tools that can be used to automate the manual process and automate repetitive matching process for improvement of process accuracy and operation efficiency. With the enhanced system, the whole process can be shortened with boosted efficiency and increased matching rate.

Automation Anywhere is the leader in Robotic Process Automation (RPA), the platform on which more organizations build world-class Intelligent Digital Workforces. Automation Anywhere’s enterprise-grade platform uses software bots that work side by side with people to do much of the repetitive work in many industries. It combines sophisticated RPA, cognitive and embedded analytic technologies. Over 1,000 organizations use this AI-enabled solution to manage and scale business processes faster, with near-zero error rates, while dramatically reducing operational costs. Automation Anywhere provides automation technology to leading financial services, insurance, healthcare, technology, manufacturing, telecom and logistics companies globally.

Comprehensive solution:

• Automating thousands of business processes, including inventory management, invoice processing, data retrieval, and report generation

• IT process automation, including installations, FTP download and backup, server and application monitoring, and file and disk management.

• Web data extraction

• Data transfer automation

• ERP system automation

Main capabilities

Robotic Process Automation

Bots that automate repetitive business processes at scale both on-premise and in the cloud.

Cognitive Recognition

Bots that leverage AI and machine learning to learn from human behavior and bring structure to unstructured data.

Embedded Analytics

Embedded analytics that measure and predict how both bots and the business are performing.

On Demand Digital Workforce

Scale as you grow to meet your requirements.

Application Areas

Commerce and Industry

Law and Security

Technologies Used

Robotic Process Automation

Use Case


Country of Brazil automates Business Intelligence process using the RPA Solution


PROFILED ORGANIZATION: Ministry of Economy and Finance of Brazil - Brasilia.

CHALLENGES: Gathering data from several repositories and reporting systems, the Treasury Bureau uses an involved process to distribute daily, critical reports for various departments. The Brazil's government needed a way to automate and improve the end-to-end process of reporting financial data.

SOLUTION: After researching several automation alternatives, the Ministry selected the RPA solution to tie together the disparate sources of data and create cohesive reports that are sent to the top levels of government on a daily basis.

BENEFITS: The Brazilian government receives timely information on the daily financial markers and status of the country, providing improved decision making in a volatile global economy while saving vast amounts of money in streamlined processes, improved productivity, and reduced data entry and reporting errors.


San Diego County - Health and Human Services Agency


PROFILED ORGANIZATION: The Health and Human Services Agency of the San Diego County Government provides various health and social services to citizens. The administration of its various public assistance programs requires a manually intensive process of verifications using two large and different applications.

CHALLENGES: Automating the complex, time consuming verification process that utilized a legacy application, a document management system and a host of other process requirements.

SOLUTION: A non-invasive process was designed utilizing the front-end of both applications and provided a system for agents to complete all verification requirements with the press of a single hot-key.

BENEFITS: The communication gap was bridged between two very different application. Non-invasive integration allowed reduced costs and risks, faster turnaround of the verification process and reduced human errors.


Electric power Utility in new York State


PROFILED ORGANIZATION: A power utility that produces between 35 and 40 percent of the energy requirements for New York State. (The company's internal policies preclude divulging its name in product case studies.)

CHALLENGES: Important time-sensitive information needed to be captured from diverse sources, then converted to a standard format, and transmitted on an hourly basis, 24x7. The previous, manual process wasted employees' time and disrupted their work.

SOLUTION: The IT staff used the powerful Web-capture and interoperability features of Automation the RPA solution to automate and schedule complex task-chaining, report-generation, and information-transmission operations.

BENEFITS: Automating manual tasks increased productivity and reduced human errors, resulting in a strong ROI for the power utility company. Wayne Gowen, Senior Developer and Project Manager for the IT Group, reports that the RPA solution has paid for itself many times over.

If any government department would like to conduct PoC trial or technology testing on the I&T solution, please contact Smart LAB.