I&T Solution

Reference No.


Solution Name

Customised Mobile Application solution

Solution Description

Ever heard of complex ERP/CRM solutions that takes months or even years to implement, learn and yet still unable to optimize user adoption rate? Apping Technology is the key to unlock the usability of your ERP/CRM system making it so practical and convenient to all users-types. We provide customized mobile applications that integrate seamlessly into the back-end system that aims to eliminate manual data inputs and conventional paperwork invoicing. Some of our most sought-after solutions are real-time monitoring on productions, deliveries, payments, expenses etc. Stock checking, issuance of quotation, delivery order, invoices and receipt can all be done via our mobile apps and its data is updated real time to your core ERP/CRM system. Our mission is to make complex simple and most importantly help businesses save cost and grow.

Application Areas

City Management

Commerce and Industry



Employment and Labour







Law and Security


Recreation and Culture

Social Welfare

Technologies Used

Mobile Technologies

Use Case

Our solutions can greatly enhance the efficiency of conventional paper-based admin works such as invoicing, delivery order, manual data entry etc. and simply replace it with highly customized mobile apps. We are helping the companies to make their complex processes, into a simpler and user-friendly one. We have many use cases where one of them involves a conventional food supplies company which is still using paper-based invoicing and delivery order signing. We've managed to help them to totally digitalise these processes where they managed to save around 2,000 copies of these documents per month. Just the cost of these papers is already quite significant if looking at the longer term. But after adding in the cost of data entry personnel and time needed, the company quickly realised the importance of digitalising it asap.

If any government department would like to conduct PoC trial or technology testing on the I&T solution, please contact Smart LAB.