I&T Solution

Reference No.


Solution Name

OceanX Share

Solution Description

OceanX Share is the best way to share documents to internal and external users securely.

Companies sharing documents through email are being threaded by data leakage. Email is transmitted through internet, captured and scanned by various third parties. Email information can be stolen by hackers and companies may lost credibility, facing fines and other legal consequences.

Instead of sharing documents simply through email, a secure document sharing system can help you to keep your data confidential, avoid lost of data and compliance with regulations, such as the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and GDPR.

OceanX Share controls access to shared documents with password control, view / print / download control, expiry date of the shared documents and control how many times a shared document to be access. It has Share History which allows users to know when and how a shared document is being access. Documents are stored in a secure link, users can send the link instead of whole document to others by email.

Application Areas


City Management

Climate and Weather

Commerce and Industry



Employment and Labour







Law and Security


Recreation and Culture

Social Welfare


team collaboration

Technologies Used

Cloud Computing

Mobile Technologies

Use Case

Use Cases of OceanX Share

• Directly Share Files from OceanX ECM

- Share, edit and collaborate documents in one single interface.

• Share Documents by Email through Outlook

- Tightly integrated with Microsoft Outlook, documents can be shared as a secure link and send out directly from Outlook.

• Responsive Web Interface

- OceanX Share is responsive web-based interface fits for all devices. You can easily manage your documents in one single responsive interface.

- Securely share documents and collaborate with your customers or partners from your mobile phone or tablet.

• Meet Compliance

- According to governance policies, access control and audit trails must be retained in system. OceanX Share provides access control and audit trails which helps you to meet compliance.

- Matter data on shared documents can be export to other system for records. (e.g. ERP, SAP, ERKS etc)

• Access Control:

Different levels of staff can have different levels of access control for the shared documents.

• Audit Trail:

Provides detailed record that lists every edit and access record of the shared documents.

If any government department would like to conduct PoC trial or technology testing on the I&T solution, please contact Smart LAB.