I&T Solution

Reference No.


Solution Name

OceanX Workflow

Solution Description

OceanX workflow is the management tools for document processes automation on daily tasks within an organization from the beginning to the completions of the processes; Graphical Workflow Designer for users to management their workflow process easily.

Actions button can be defined in each step easily, reusable workflow templates that help users avoid common mistakes. Fully control the Information to be distributed in each step. Profile Information can be set as routing criteria for each workflow.

Cooperated with OceanX ECM, events can be triggered when document is created, modified or updated or simply started by user manually. Multiple documents can be submitted and control within a workflow, documents versioning are fully managed within a Workflow environment.

Automatic steps in a workflow can be easy integrated with other system by e.g. sending email, update external database, or export matter data, etc.

A user friendly interface allow user to defined group tasks and review the workflow lifecycle.

Application Areas


City Management

Climate and Weather

Commerce and Industry



Employment and Labour







Law and Security


Recreation and Culture

Social Welfare


Policies Compliance

Technologies Used

Cloud Computing

Mobile Technologies

Use Case

OceanX workflow can be widely used in all kind cases with documents or information related to projects or cases, from internal document approval to contract renewal, or leave application.

Convert paper process in to automatic process.

Integrate with other system e.g. Document Management system, Record Management system, ERP, Finance, Contract Management, ERKS, etc.

• Accounting - Expense reports, invoices, purchase orders

• Customer Service - Order forms, warranty claims, service requests, consultation forms

• Human Resources - Employment Applications, performance evaluations, vacation requests

• Marketing - Surveys, Event Registrations, Product E ons, Research test forms

• Government - License Applications, Census Forms, Tax Forms, vehicle registrations, Business and Building Permits

• Education - Student Applications, Test Results, Financial Aid

• Healthcare - Claim Forms, Prescription Orders, Patient Encounter Forms

• Production - Work Orders, Requisition Forms, shipping, Receiving Documents

• Finance - Loan Applications, Credit Reports, New Accounts

If any government department would like to conduct PoC trial or technology testing on the I&T solution, please contact Smart LAB.