Mobile platform with handheld devices for on-site inspection and remote work duties
Our Solution is an exciting mobile technology for enterprise and field mobility offering the following:
• Electronic proof of presence - Simple check-in and check-out for fast and easy time and attendance. Confirm locations in areas that are remote or without connectivity to allow an accurate monitoring of remote work carried out.
• Streamlined workflow - Direct employees to perform tasks once they have tapped on their staff card, even opening your Operation app with pre-populated field or asset information.
• Improved data accuracy - Automatic identification of assets, equipment, or locations. Data are real-time uploaded onto server, therefore to allow management to have an overview of the most update understanding of the work completed.
City Management
Climate and Weather
Commerce and Industry
Employment and Labour
Law and Security
Recreation and Culture
Social Welfare
Mobile Technologies
Our solution offers tremendous value to companies seeking to:
• Improve accuracy and efficiency, reducing errors and time lost associated with transcribing data to back-end systems
• Monitor and document the progress of work in the field and communicate data to back end systems in real-time, or as soon as connectivity is reestablished or at predetermined intervals.
Any industry with field staff, remote assets or inspection/service tasks may find that our solution could greatly increase their efficiency, accuracy, speed of operation and quality of customer service whilst significantly reducing costs.
NFC Touch Limited
Room 3, 8/F, Ho Lik Centre, 66A Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong
If any government department would like to conduct PoC trial or technology testing on the I&T solution, please contact Smart LAB.