LinkK Search Solution
LinkK Search Solution is the answer to most of the pressing questions facing your business that can be found hidden in the wealth of information spread across your enterprise and public domains. They’re in the files that are created and stored in different applications & public web sites. The images, web pages and electronic forms that capture customer and process information. The solution can piece together bits of information from various sources into complete answers for instant analysis and quick reactions. The working party can have all the information on time and spotlight the important issues & take action.
General purpose solution for any areas
Data Analytics
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Robotic Process Automation
Python and Search Engine
LINKK Search is a Hong Kong based developed solution which delivers superior relevance and a rich end user experience by combining the technologies of Web Scraping, Enterprise Searching, Dynamic Analytic Reporting, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning that quickly locates information across your enterprise and public domains. With little customization and selectable options, it can let you analyze the results to generate analytic reports dynamically.
LinkPOWER Technology Co Ltd
Unit 3A, 163 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
If any government department would like to conduct PoC trial or technology testing on the I&T solution, please contact Smart LAB.