Social Power Intelligence
Social Power specializes in social listening, brand page analysis and crisis detection with its in-house proprietary system. Through analyzing over 100 million of public pages and accounts of Facebook, Sina Weibo, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Sina Weibo, WeChat, Telegram, Forums and Blogs, etc.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Data Analytics
Social Listening could be used for researches of netizens' sentiment and suggestion on government policies and public services. This could help the decision maker to understand citizens' feeling and reaction about the policies and the services. Also, it could be used to find out trending topics recently to closely stick with citizens.
Social Power Limited
Unit B04, 3/F, Block B, Chung Mei Centre, 15 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
If any government department would like to conduct PoC trial or technology testing on the I&T solution, please contact Smart LAB.