I&T Solution

Reference No.


Solution Name

Intelligent chat-bot for multiple channels including appointment bookings

Solution Description

Your citizens choose the most convenient channel. Be where your citizens are. Just like a friend.

Multiple Touch Points. One Solution.

novomind iAGENT will enable you to manage all customer service communication within a single platform, such as calls, emails, social media, live-chat, Chatbot, SMS, WhatsApp, WeChat, Messenger or LINE and more.

Answer and route all citizen enquiries to the right agents automatically according to what citizens wrote using powerful NLP for multiple languages and to citizen profiles fully connected to your existing CRM/database/ID system.

Access a full history of each interaction across all channels to analyze and better manage the customer services activity while increasing user satisfaction at the same time.

The solution increases efficiency, reduces response times and brings use satisfaction to the next level using modern omnichannel customer service technology used by the renowned brands and institutions such as DHL, AXA, The German Parliament, Puma, Lufthansa Airlines, various healthcare providers and hospitals, e-commerce stores, banks and insurance companies.

Application Areas


City Management

Climate and Weather

Commerce and Industry



Employment and Labour







Law and Security


Recreation and Culture

Social Welfare


Technologies Used

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Cloud Computing

Data Analytics

Machine Learning

Natural Language Processing

Use Case

Citizens expect an excellent service level across all government departments. The solution allows government department to offer mutliple channels such as email, call, web chat, social media and various messenger apps. These can be further equipped with intelligent chat-bots to optimize enquiries.

All enquiries will end up in one single front end for the service agents, giving agents all they need to reply to enquries fast and efficiently. Citizens like to choose their most convenient channel. We believe that smart cities and government should be where their citizens are, just like a friend.

If any government department would like to conduct PoC trial or technology testing on the I&T solution, please contact Smart LAB.