I&T Solution

Reference No.


Solution Name

Smart Energy Management with AI and IoT solution

Solution Description

We deploy intelligent energy monitoring systems through simple and easy deployment. Data is collected and transmitted to the cloud platform and analysed with our AI model, which was trained and has been proven for accurate predictions. It dynamically accounts for the influencing factors of energy usage, e.g. temperature, humidity and seasonality to predict energy usage and determine budget.

Real-time energy data with granular zoning i.e. down to the AC usage in a meeting room is visualized in our software with easy-to-understand and quantifiable metrics so users know if they have overused or conserved energy. Facilitated with a series of customized notifications, interpersonal energy training workshops and use of automation, we raise energy conservation awareness and knowledge, hence drive behavioral change intelligently in communities.

Application Areas

City Management




Technologies Used

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Cloud Computing

Data Analytics

Deep Learning

Internet of Things (IoT)

Mobile Technologies

Use Case

1. User-friendly software platform derived by 8000 users to enhance the awareness and understanding of energy and encourage behavioral change

2. Real-time and granular energy usage monitoring and notification to spot abnormality and take prompt actions

3. Various data analysis metrics by day, by week, by month or by AC, light and socket to deduce energy pattern and saving opportunities

4. AI modelling for energy budget with consideration of actual usage and environmental factor provide realistic target and quantifiable tracking of energy performance for users

5. Energy comparison of different buildings/zones at customized period provide easy benchmarking in single glass of plain

6. Establish energy usage intensity (EUI) metric in kWh by meter sq. to compare energy usage of own locations vs locations in the other similar building types

7. Scalable and agile infrastructure which can expand with further integration with other smart sensors or controls

If any government department would like to conduct PoC trial or technology testing on the I&T solution, please contact Smart LAB.