A meeting minutes tool using Generative AI technology automatically generates meeting content. 使用生成式人工智能科技的會議記錄工具,自動生成會議內容。
Option to generate meeting summaries or verbatim transcripts. 可選擇生成會議摘要或逐字紀錄。
Easily identify, assign, and track action items during or after meetings to ensure accountability and follow-up. 在會議期間或會議後輕鬆識別、分配和追蹤待辦事項,確保責任和後續跟進。
Customisable meeting minutes formats and templates. 可客制化會議紀錄格式和樣板。
Provides support for multiple languages including English, Putonghua, and Cantonese. 支援多種語言,包括英語、普通話、粵語。
Supports on cloud and local on-premises deployment, implemented on various AI infrastructures both Nvidia and Huawei platforms. 支援本地及雲端部署,能應用在輝達和華為平台。
City Management
Climate and Weather
Commerce and Industry
Employment and Labour
Law and Security
Recreation and Culture
Social Welfare
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Augmented Reality
Cloud Computing
Data Analytics
Deep Learning
Internet of Things (IoT)
Machine Learning
Mixed Reality
Mobile Technologies
Natural Language Processing
Predictive Analytics
Quantum Computing
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Robotic Process Automation
Video Analytics
Virtual Reality
Enhancing Productivity: AI meeting transcription tools automatically transcribe your meetings. By converting spoken words into text, note-taking process could be simplified. This automation allows participants to focus more on the discussion rather than taking notes. 提升生產力: AI 會議記錄工具會自動轉錄您的會議內容。通過將口語轉換成文本,簡化了記筆記的過程。這種自動化可以讓參與者更專注於討論,而不是記筆記。
Improving Accuracy: AI meeting transcription tools can accurately capture recorded details, which is particularly beneficial for technical discussions or specific data points. They also help reduce human errors. 提高準確性: AI 會議記錄工具可以準確捕捉錄製到的細節,這為技術討論或特定數據點帶來不少裨益,同時能減少人為錯誤。
Saving Time: AI meeting transcription tools can generate shareable summaries, highlight key points and action items, and speed up post-meeting workflows without the need to manually organise and distribute notes. 節省時間: AI 會議記錄工具可以生成可供分享的摘要、標示重點和待辦事項,並加快會後工作流程,而不必手動整理和分發筆記。
Expert Systems Limited
2168 3877
22/F Yen Sheng Centre, 64 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
If any government department would like to conduct PoC trial or technology testing on the I&T solution, please contact Smart LAB.