Service Needs

Reference No.



Optimization of delivery route design in Hong Kong

Business Needs / Challenges

At present, about every three years, or more frequently if required, a full revision of all delivery beats for mail delivery in the district would be undertaken in order to bring all beats up to standard and to tie up any changes in mail traffic and geographical situations, etc.
In order to shorten the beat revision cycle, IT solutions are sought. It is aimed at reducing the lead time of beat design process which is mainly performed manually at the moment.

Application Areas

Commerce and Industry


Expected Outcomes

To optimize the design of delivery routes for delivery works by using possible IT solutions taking into account (a) the mail volume, preparation time, transportation time and delivery time required for the beat concerned and (b) application of GPS data captured from PDA of the delivery postmen.

Technologies to be Used

Data Analytics

Machine Learning

Mobile Technologies

Predictive Analytics