Service Needs

Reference No.



Revamp of Site Tracking Information System

Business Needs / Challenges

It is always necessary for the relevant departments to produce and report land supply information on an on-going basis and, as required, for management information and decision-making by the Government within very tight deadlines. A holistic approach is required to achieve effective management and to catch up on land supply to address the imminent housing need of the society. The existing system has a genuine and pressing need to be enhanced by offering a map to display and search all potential housing sites.

Application Areas

City Management




Expected Outcomes

A series of enhancement is proposed to provide a more user-friendly interface and facilitate users to update/track the site information, including but not limited to: -

(a) integrate the existing functionality of the SITIS with internal GIS portal or a separate GIS web environment in order to provide a holistic view of the distribution of identified sites;
(b) leverage the readily available map services to provide the most up-to-date land information;
(c) support spatial search, filtering and visualization with web map services; and
(d) support users, including problem diagnosis and enhancement of existing functions (e.g. to perform more basic query/analysis and optimise the report function and presentation).

Technologies to be Used

Data Analytics