Service Needs

Reference No.



Proof-of-Concept (PoC) for anti-bot solution

Business Needs / Challenges

Some departments are currently providing services to the general public through on-line systems. As the services are in great demand, we are facing a challenge of guarding against automated access to these online systems through bot programs. We are therefore looking for an innovative and effective anti-bot solution for our on-line systems. The solution provider shall provide a proof-of-concept (PoC) of its solution in the departments' environments to demonstrate its capability of identifying and preventing bot accesses from the internet. The solution and the testing of PoC must fulfill the government IT security policy and guidelines. Considering sensitive information might be involved, on-premises solutions are preferred.

Application Areas

Commerce and Industry




Law and Security

Recreation and Culture

Social Welfare


Expected Outcomes

The PoC should comprise two parts. The first part of the PoC should be conducted on testing environment for demonstration of its capabilities on anti-bot and no implication on the normal operations. The second part of the PoC should be conducted on the production environment of the system to show the effectiveness on blocking the real bots being used for on-line system. It is expected that the bots would evolve in response to the anti-bot solution. Thus, this part of PoC should be conducted on the production environment for at least 4 consecutive weeks to demonstrate its capabilities on blocking evolving bots.

Technologies to be Used

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Machine Learning

Anti-bot technology