Service Needs

Reference No.



Emergency Drone Dispatch System at Hiking Trails

Business Needs / Challenges

In recent years, hiking has become one of the most popular pastime and weekend activities enjoyed by people from all walks of life. Unfortunately, the growing popularity of the activity has also resulted in more hiking incidents. Those accidents may involve extreme weather conditions, dangerous routes or inadequate preparation including underestimating the amount of the drinking water needed. Drones can help to quickly take water to those hikers who have been severely dehydrated yet.

Application Areas

.Public Service

Expected Outcomes

It aims to use drones, a.k.a unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), to establish an emergency dispatch system at hiking trails which provides timely drinking water supply to stranded hikers suffered from severe dehydration as well as fatigue. In the long run, it is expected that the service scope can be extended to delivery of critical survival kits.

Technologies to be Used
