STEMHub is an online educational platform for tutorial operation and academic resource management. User can access a marketplace liked module to search / share / publish various of academic material from worldwide academic resource web pages and systems. All published or shared academic contents and materials are being well managed with systematic classification and detailed categorization. It would be a workspace that provides users a convenient, consolidated and consistent environment to search, to learn, to practice and to conduct examinations there. At the same time, all their actions and behaviors would be logged in the system for future analysis. After few months periods, an educational consultant AI would be trained by this captured data through the system, with integration of the worldwide big-data, this AI should be well-trained to provide, to advise and to plan users' learning path in terms of inspiration of careers, interests, social trendies and etc. After well built up of the big-data warehouse, the solution would be further extended to employment and recruitment areas.
Each member of the society or the organization which used this solution could be advised to learn the most valuable subjects and be consulted to develop their strength. For example, if this solution is used by an enterprise, the staffs would be directed to grow up towards its business goal together with employees' strengths and interests. Members within the society can also share their learning experience, academic notes, comments, experimental results, practical reports, thesis and recommended online resources. Teachers and students can work on this platform with well developed workflow, teaching and studying planning. All users' experience, actions and behaviours should be logged and recorded for future analysis too. Since members' learning experience, strength developments, skills and knowledge of the society/organization are being captured, employers/positions and employees might be matched effectively.
Unit 2202, 22/F, Causeway Bay Plaza, 489 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
若政府部门欲对创科方案进行PoC试验或技术测试,请联络Smart LAB。