



旅遊氣泡 BLOK Pass App


BLOK Pass app is a platform to enable business and societal continuity in this and future health crises. At its core is a self-sovereign identity and health status attestation solution—people can store all information needed to access offices, transport, public spaces using a BLOK Pass app that is owned and controlled only by the user. With appropriate testing protocols in place and with information on an individual’s COVID-19 status stored on the BLOK App, the establishment of travel bubbles is made possible. The platform is easily configurable, and can be adapted to monitor a wide variety of evidence types—including anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody status or T cell immunity—to reflect the latest scientific evidence and diagnostic technologies. Symptoms can be tracked, and test results of all kinds (laboratory or rapid point-of-care PCR, antigen, antibody, etc.) can be validated, attested and stored for use in access protocols/ These can be defined and configured according to rules established by government, border controls, transport providers, entertainment and event venue providers, companies, etc.











As mentioned above, the BLOK Pass app can form the core of a travel bubble solution: It provides a means by which travellers can log COVID-19 test results and declare any symptoms they may be displaying, while having all this information stored securely on their devices; it communicates to relevant personnel/authorities what appropriate actions should be taken according to the travellers’ health statuses and their company’s/country’s protocols, without revealing any further information about the travellers. BLOK Pass app has also been designed to be easily integrated with existing APIs and contact-tracing solutions, meaning that cross-border compatibility is unlikely to be an issue.

The cost of the BLOK Pass app (HK$50) is far exceeded by its potential benefits. The average overnight visitor per capita spending in 2018 was HK$6,614, and recent figures indicate that tourist arrivals in the January-August period declined by 91.9 percent YoY; the successful implementation of travel bubbles is imperative to the revival of the battered tourism sector.

若政府部门欲对创科方案进行PoC试验或技术测试,请联络Smart LAB。